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FREE SHIPPING - USA orders over $300 and International orders over $450

Minimum must be met for EACH location if shipping a single order to multiple shipping locations (i.e. each location must be shipped at least $300/450 minimum). See Terms & Conditions for details.


Shipping FAQ

How do I get the best shipping rate?

We make our best efforts to pack your order into the smallest box size possible in order to come up with the rate you are shown.

As a rule of thumb, orders over $250 (USD) typically receive better shipping rates than smaller orders. This is not guaranteed, but is based on our observations over all these years.

If you are an international order, you  may see a flat rate for your shipping costs. In this case, we recommend placing as large an order as possible to optimize your costs, and if available, to receive free shipping (free shipping availability subject to change without notice).

To optimize your shipping rate: We recommend you play around with your order to get the combination of quantity of products versus shipping cost that you desire – either increasing your order or decreasing your order.

For example, when you’re seeing a higher shipping rate compared to your order size, it means your order likely had to bump up to the next largest box size to fit. This may also likely mean that this larger box now has some empty space. We recommend you adjust your order accordingly then if you'd like to better fill that larger box and optimize your shipping rate.

Generally, the larger your order the more economical the shipping costs. Also, we recommend placing as large an order as possible to optimize your costs, and if available, to receive free shipping (free shipping availability subject to change without notice).

And that’s the beauty of the "smart" shipping showing up in your cart - you can see how it puts the power of optimizing your shipping costs in your hands, right? Yay for transparency!


Can you ship to me using pre-paid labels?

Available to USA customers only at this time.

If you would like us to ship to you using your own shipping carrier account, we are only able to accommodate using a customer’s FedEx/UPS account directly at this time.

We aren’t able to offer accommodation for pre-paid labels you send us, third party shipping consolidator options, or similar at this time.

To have us utilize your carrier, you must provide us with your carrier name, account number, and account zip code at the time of your order either in the order notes or via a separate email.